Our 24h service with medical products in Val Pusteria - Schlossapotheke Welsberg

Our 24-hour self-service with medical products in Monguelfo

Our Pharmashop24 – available for you 365 days a year

Do you urgently need a clinical thermometer? Or milk powder? Or maybe even sun cream and lip balm? And a glance at the clock says: “Unfortunately, you can reach us outside opening hours!” Don’t worry, you can get the most important products yourself 24/7 from our self-service machine on the corner! According to the law, medicines may not be dispensed, but you certainly can find the odd useful alternatives! Below you will find an overview of the products currently in stock in the 24-hour vending machine.

Products Pharmashop24

There for you 365 days a year!

Can I also buy painkillers, anti-inflammatory or fever-reducing medications from the 24-hour vending machine?
Unfortunately, no, because according to the law, medications can only be distributed in pharmacy premises and dispensed by pharmaceutical personnel. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter medications.

I don´t have any cash with me!
No problem – at our vending machine, you can pay either with cash, using bank notes and coins, or with a card!

The vending machine doesn’t give change!
If you don’t receive change in the form of coins, check the receipt with the remaining amount, which will be printed out. Take it with you and simply come to our pharmacy during opening hours – we will give you the outstanding amount upon presentation of your receipt!

I have paid, but my selected product has not been “dispensed” …
It can occasionally happen that the product is not removed from the dispensing compartment within 30 seconds, or there is a technical issue and the drawer doesn’t open, and you can’t retrieve your product. Instead, a receipt with the amount of money is printed, which you can retrieve during opening hours by presenting the receipt directly at the pharmacy.

My product isn’t coming out! Does shaking the vending machine help to make it fall out?
No, shaking doesn’t help because the products are retrieved by a robot from a magazine and delivered directly into the dispensing compartment via a conveyor belt.

I received a receipt with the remaining money printed on it, but I am no longer in Monguelfo to collect the money from the pharmacy during opening hours.
No need to worry! Just send us an e-mail to info@apothekewelsberg.it with the subject “Pharmashop 24 – BON”! Please take a photo of the receipt, briefly write down the time when you used the machine, and we will transfer the amount back to you.

Is there a return guarantee for damaged products?
If your product is damaged, you can exchange it in our pharmacy within 5 days. All we need is the exact time at which you made the purchase.

Does the machine also provide information regarding the use and dosage of the products?
You will find a short description of most products in the top right-hand corner of the screen when you click on the desired product. Detailed recommendations and descriptions can then be found directly on the packaging of each product when you remove them from the dispensing compartment.